To put it simply, the food eaten by the people in Ershi is made of fungi that grow here. If they know it, they may … not want to eat it.


However, at present, they have not eaten any problems, because almost all harmful ingredients have been eliminated in the manufacturing process of food manufacturing machines.
However, it seems that the small creatures here have only recently appeared. Maybe the former transpiration people collected food elsewhere.
Lin also found that these transpirators did not send the fungi to the manufacturing machine or cold storage themselves, but sent them here.
This project site, like others, has a’ set’ delivery system, and these original transpiration people are limited.
Lin has observed them for a while, and when Lin found that the intelligence of the original transpirators is very low, they will do something very simple here, that is, collect fungus ingredients and their own food.
The ingredients are given to food makers, and they eat some ground materials.
This transpirator has nothing to do with the current transpirator, but Lin found that they are related to … ghost cubs.
Because they all follow a pattern of life, which is not their original life pattern, but imposed on them by other creatures.
This creature is the ghost cub, which has always controlled the transpirators here and let them feed … the residents of Kersh.
Lin is going to ask what its purpose is, but it doesn’t seem easy to find.
Qianlin, it is easy to find because traces of it can be found everywhere in this shopping mall, but now it seems to be traces.
Every transpirator has some traces of … ghost cubs left on his body.
Because of the large number of original transpiration, this is also the reason why Lin detected a large number of ghost cubs in the shopping mall
But the ghost cubs don’t transpire. Zhonglin has searched almost every place in the mall where there is an original transpirator, but no trace of the cubs has been found.
The actual transpirator is just the shopping mall and the freezer, and these places have not found clues from the ghost cubs.
So what should I do? Lynn thought maybe we should look for clues from the original Ershimin.
Although it is said that most of the food made here has traces of ghost cubs, there is a strong desire for making skeleton machines from the people of Ershi, but the people of Ershi don’t think so.
Therefore, it should be a relatively important role, and this important role is now seriously threatened.
If the ghost cub wants it … it may take care of the situation.
Lin’s fluffy ball has now flown to the first floor of the shopping mall, where you can see several gray and black fluffy creatures moving. They are biting everything here like crazy.
However, the main gnawing target is the room surrounded by the Ershimin container. These small creatures have been densely packed outside the container, and their number has reached a terrible level.
Moreover, Lin found that they really chewed up the metal container, and with their biting, there was always a lot of dust and powder scattered with the biting.
It won’t be long before they bite through the container and get into it, so the people inside will probably be torn apart
The container seems to have disappeared because it has never been put in.
"They will come in? What are we going to do? " "There is no way to make final preparations …" "Do you really want to do this?"
Lin heard the sound coming from the container. It was the sound of Ershimin and two companions.
It did have several companions before it lived with it, and two of them came back, and now they seem to be going to do something …
Suddenly Lin heard a shout and saw it being converted into an automatic door cabinet and slowly hit it.
And those little creatures suddenly squeezed into the cracks like water …
But in a second, Lin saw that they all flew out and there was a strong airflow after hitting the container.
Those little creatures crowded into the entrance, and almost all of them were blown out in pieces.
After the container was finished, Lin saw the room … There were several things that could be called fans.
These fans are nearly two meters in diameter, and they are spinning very fast to blow out the strong wind, so that several small creatures outside can’t get in … They can keep running to the entrance and then be blown away.
That’s interesting. Lin didn’t see a few fans that big here when she came, and …
What about those people? Where did they go?
Chapter one thousand five hundred and sixty-two Road

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