Generally, it is impossible, but it seems that this transpirator city will not attack and will advance, which makes the captain see a little possibility


Although Lin thinks they have a better way, such as dismantling the annihilation ship and sending the explosives inside to the city department or … always look at their action first.
"Sir, the surprise fleet is ready."
"Let them move forward and remember that there is a chance this time … we have no more time to fire!"
The captain’s voice fell and the fleet firepower was once again displayed. The city of Transpirator and the clone together also heard the explosion roar again.
Walsh’s fleet was once again targeted by fire at a place to bomb, but Lynn found the explosion roaring …
It’s not that Lynn is simulating from the ground, but that she is in the middle.
"Sir! The other side showed defense! "
"… what?"
The captain looked at the picture in surprise and saw that there were a large number of objects in the transpiration city, which looked like huge pieces of rusty metal.
And they stopped most of the fleet’s firepower, and those missiles and lasers collided unavoidably, and a few bypassed the defense and hit the ground, which didn’t have much effect.
"They … actually moved?"
And these metal blocks are not just places where fleet fires occur. There are a lot of such metal blocks in the whole city.
They appeared in an instant and flew away at a very fast speed to the Walsh fleet.
"The target attack will come in a minute!"
It feels like metal garbage pouring in. These things cover more than 1000 kilometers, which is enough to devour the whole Walsh warship.
"defense! Force defense! " The captain can no longer turn the attack to the offensive and defensive, but when the fleet aimed its fire at these metal blocks, the captain also said, "Let the surprise attack team go around the target! Continue to plan before! "
Chapter one thousand six hundred and fifty-four Surprise
It is said that lemmings are suicidal creatures, and Walsh was once very famous
Although researchers later confirmed that the creatures did not actually commit suicide, there were too many stories about lemmings committing suicide.
Among the ten warships, five are named lemmings, and the other five are called’ Black Gull Bow Back’ … which is another suicidal creature.
However, the actual name of these warships is called type 1 annihilation ship, which is equipped with powerful explosives to prepare for suicide. People say that they are powerful enough to blow up the whole tumbling ship.
But in fact, these warships have never been used. Of course, there are no tumbling nearby or something that makes them blow up. I don’t know the actual power. It seems that I haven’t even tried the test explosion.
When these warships were built, many people in Kirsch expressed their concern and shouted against the slogan "Are you trying to blow up Kirsch?"? This kind of weapon root is unnecessary! "
But now no one may shout like this, because they are facing a size close to 2,000 kilometers … The power of these warships has finally been confirmed … that is, the explosive power … is not enough.
So they must be together.
"Be careful flank! Face-to-face nano shield free fire! "
The pouring rain of metal started from a huge city and attacked the Walsh fleet. Every warship, whether it was a machine gun or a laser gun group, was constantly destroyed by fire, approaching the metal, and a large number of escort planes flew around them, and these metal blocks were also engaged in battle.
On the one hand, it looks like equipment, precision weapons, and on the other hand, it looks like rusty metals of different shapes found in garbage dumps, but these metals have suppressed the Walsh fleet
Every ten seconds, there will be an explosion in the virtual space with the Walsh fleet. That is, a fighter plane was cut into two parts by metal or a warship was pierced by too much metal and exploded.
A powerful shield can stop this crisis for a while, but it can’t always protect it. The captain doesn’t need to command anything anymore. It can make the force defend and wait for the war damage to be too great to retreat and escape, but that will inevitably lead to the enemy’s occupation and monitoring. After the occupation, the other side will definitely go to Walsh, and then everything will be over … or …
Waiting for a miracle.
The surprise attack troops are 20 warships, 10 annihilation ships are reinforcements from other monitoring stations, and 10 are large warships about 600 meters long, which are equipped with high-strength penetrating main guns’ halberds’. Originally, they were made for the purpose of … bombing tumbling people.
The halberd is responsible for penetrating the stratum and then letting the annihilation ship blow it up. This is a very simple tactic, and now they want to use this simple tactic to deal with transpiration.
It’s interesting to see Lin here …
Captain Yinlin’s warships have been turned over. They are all’ top secret’. Only here can they be turned over. Lin has also created a top secret spy. Here’s a look.
There are many signs that the Sursh fleet built some weapons to blow up a tumbling machine. Of course, it is said here that the information of these warships does not say what they are going to do, but …
They should build these warships because of what they did, rather than simply studying and strengthening their military strength.
But it is obvious that the transpirator is not their original goal, and now it is necessary to make warships to deal with the transpirator’s Walsh fleet …
Twenty warships and a large number of escort planes appeared behind the transpirator.

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