The creature seem to show great interest in scholar when talking.


"I’m not a creature of this world," the scholar said, "but I’ve been studying and studying the creatures here, and now I want to learn what you really are."
"I … you’ll know if you finish something."
"What is it?"
"Is … to find …"
The scholar just said, "Huh?" At this question, the scenery in front of it suddenly changed rapidly.
"This is …" The fog around slowly dispersed, and scholars found themselves in an environment where pyramids several meters high lined up on both sides, while in the middle was an old stone road full of cracks.
"This is where we want to live. You can have a look here first."
After that, the scholar suddenly found that his eyes were black …
"What’s the matter?" After regaining consciousness, the scholar found himself in the pre-pyramid because the entrance was blocked, and now it seems that there is no danger.
And there’s another one on the ground. It bit half the mushrooms.
"It seems that I woke up this time, but that dream just now …"
The scholar remembered what happened just now, and it immediately hit the imaging device to see it.
In the device, the scholar found the information about Chibucha. Although he had seen it before, it didn’t seem to have finished reading the sample …
"Chebucha is not a species with complete division of labor …"
In the data, scholars found that this kind of creature has personality. Although they can fit together as a whole, individuals will also communicate with each other …
But this is not the case with another species of Chibucha.
According to the data, after Chibucha seems to be parasitized by fungi, they have lost their personality and become more like a division of labor species.
The reason is probably caused by fungi, which can have some special effects on them
"Does it affect me too?" Scholars are puzzled, but at present it seems that there is nothing strange except a strange dream.
But scholars think that Chibucha, which may be parasitized by fungi, is somehow’ connected’ together, and that in the dream is what connects them.
"Always move on now. I seem to be full after eating so many mushrooms … then … move on, but before that …"
Scholars have found that besides mushrooms, there is a wonderful layer on the ground, which is soft and resilient to the touch, but it seems to be some kind of plant, but it has dried up, and it takes a little pull to pull a large piece.
"This is very interesting." The scholar pulled these plants and covered them. The scholar covered his body.
Scholars almost wrap themselves up and then show their hands so that they can take photos and cover most of their bodies.
After finishing, the scholar pushed the stone that blocked the entrance of the pyramid, walked out of the pyramid and continued to walk deep into the cave.
Actually, it doesn’t know where the depth is, but it is not afraid of getting lost because the imaging device has a recorded map.
"I don’t know where to go …"
Scholars have been walking for thousands of seconds in the dark environment. The environment here is relatively simple, and occasionally pyramid buildings or pyramid ruins can be seen around. At the same time, some kinds of creatures, such as fungi, are the most common types of luminous fungi. Many scholars find themselves glowing and hiding in luminous fungi, which can get a good cover effect.
However, this fungus is not full of scholars, but it soon left them and stepped into the darkness.
You can also see another big creature, a special creature.
"This is …"
In front of the scholars, there are a group of creatures with a height of 30 centimeters, all of which seem to be covered with red crystals. Generally, this creature is also called’ blood jade’.
Blood jade is a kind of jade in Mao Yuli. From the perspective of scholars, it looks like a group of red crystal clusters moving on the ground. This kind of Mao Yu will’ plant’ crystals, so it has this name and appearance.
However, they are not carnivores and their eyes have deteriorated. They rely on’ crystal resonance’ to communicate with their peers and observe their surroundings.
Because they are not aggressive, scholars can safely walk through these blood jade.
"Here is …"
After a large group of blood jade, scholars found that it came to a familiar place.
"Is this the place in the dream?"
There is a broken road in front of the scholar, and both sides are lined with pyramids, which is exactly the same as the environment seen in the dream.
"What does that creature seem to want me to do here, but what exactly?"
The pyramid road scholar walked slowly forward and found that both pyramids were quite special because they … both had graffiti.
"There are brain monsters here …"
When I met the brainiac before, the scholar saw something written on the treasure in the white skeleton dragon pyramid, which was a brainiac painting.
Brain-making monsters seem to understand the language of the white skeleton dragon … but it’s a mystery why they doodle all over the pyramid. These creatures often do things that are difficult to understand, but they can live well even so.
Mainly because their brain waves are very powerful and can affect most living things.
Scholars have found that it has reached the end of the road. There is a tall building here, which is ten meters high and the pyramid is much bigger than others.
Moreover, this pyramid is full of many crystals, and some of them can be seen by scholars themselves, but it is clear when the image device is taken.

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