It feels like it has become another bus creature.


After learning the news of this symbiont, some other buses tried to do this, but they created a neural structure with the same consciousness as themselves in the same way, which did not change even after a long time.
The news of this symbiont soon became a complete mystery. It didn’t know where it disappeared or what happened to the minibus that made it.
The whole story can get very little information, which is similar to a bus saying.
And Lynn found it here.
After learning about the situation from Walsh, Lin also carefully studied the nervous structure of a bus here
Actually, it’s not a study, but a’ threat’ to it … Those micro-arms in Lin’s jar keep sending out a lot of information to it.
At first, these messages sent some questions to it, such as asking it about symbionts, but it didn’t respond.
So after a while, Lynn changed the inquiry into a threat, as if she would attack other classes if she didn’t respond again.
But it still doesn’t respond.
Then Lin gathered the tiny arms in the tank and kept them expanding … it looked like they were going to explode.
But it still didn’t respond, so Lin blew up a can.
Then Lin told everyone in the tank to prepare for explosion.
At this time it finally had a reaction … Lin also confirmed that it was fake.
Whether the nerve of the bus in the tank is active or not is actually manifested by it on purpose.
And the automatic defense system in the tank … seems to have no response to Lin’s micro-arms.
It has no attack response to too small targets.
As a last resort, this "symbiont" finally responded to Lin’s question.
At first, I asked it mainly about its’ life experience’.
Of course, it doesn’t call itself a symbiont.
In fact, it has a name that it thinks is more suitable … that is’ Gravedigger’
It told Lin something before it, which was similar to what Lin heard from Walsh
That is, it was indeed made by a minibus, as Lin knows.
But it seems that the specific purpose of making it is because this minibus has some … problems.
It likes telling stories very much.
When the minibus first made symbionts, it deliberately made symbionts … insensitive.
It knows everything in the outside world completely, that is to say, it has been in the dark since it was born.
Although it is a part of the nervous structure of the minibus, when the minibus made it, it erased all the memories of this part of the nerve and left a small amount of’ knowledge’
So it can find itself in the dark in horror from the beginning.
This lasted for some time.
Then the minibus suddenly appeared in its dark world.
Then the minibus kept talking to it about all kinds of things. The minibus said that most of the things were all kinds of creatures in the colorful world outside.
Because it is a direct thinking signal, the symbiont needs to imagine and know what these minibuses tell it.
Of course, all this can be seen in its mind, and it is still dark around it.
As soon as it started, it felt a strong gratitude for the minibus, because it brought light to its dark world.
Therefore, it has been very interested in learning all kinds of stories about minibuses.
Until … At some point later, its gratitude to the minibus turned into anger.
Because … it knows the truth.
However, it is not how it knows, but the minibus tells it.
The minibus department told it that the minibus let the symbionts know … that it was made.
The minibus deliberately gave it no perception. Just tell it these stories and make it surprised by the scenery inside.
After that, the minibus continued to tell it all kinds of things.
Symbionts can’t do anything, but they can … be forced to listen to these stories about minibuses.
Because the minibus initially gave it’ knowledge’ and made it have a very hateful thinking to do so.
But in fact, it has no special feeling about it.
There is a wonderful sense of despair.
This feeling makes it lose interest in everything, and before it finds it interesting, rich things become meaningless.
Until … sometime.
It suddenly found … It woke up.
To be precise, it grows some sensory organs, and it can directly perceive the dark external environment.
And the minibus … I don’t know where it is.
The moment it wakes up, it finds itself … in a dying roller.
What do you mean dying? Because that place is about to explode
Chapter three thousand one hundred and fifty Save the idea
"I want to … save the world"

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