Burn feather JianZu eyes a big roar a way "noisy what noisy"


The king of fire and the king of tiger looked at each other with a snort and sat down separately.
Burn feather Jianzu this just carefree said, "to say? Hundreds of battles with swords and swords are really suitable for you two tiger kings fighting and fire kings fighting. I can understand the mood that you want to recruit your younger brother, but now your younger brother has one. What do you say? Do you really need to fight to win or lose? "
The Tiger King and the Flame King Qi Qi said, "But the bodhi old zu ruled."
Huang Yu Jianzu hesitated and said, "Since you let me be the boss, it’s easy. You two are not allowed to move your mind, play tricks, win or lose, win or lose, and you can’t go back on your word. What do you think?"
The sword kings’ faces appeared very strange.
I played it thousands of years ago when I was a child, but I didn’t expect to play it today
However, after a little thought, I also found that the current state is really the most suitable for guessing boxing. Two wins in three games are willing to gamble and lose.
So the sword kings witnessed the two "stones, scissors and cloth" shouting by the tiger king and the flame king and began to guess boxing.
In the end, the tiger king laughed proudly and the flame king was angry. "Shit, shit, shit …"
Another deity brother appeared, and the flaming feather sword ancestor intervened to settle the two top sword kings.
This meeting of Ling Tianjian is a grand occasion. Even King Wang Hu, who laughed at Fang Jian, is now smiling at each other.
But it’s not over yet
When everyone is quiet, Huohua Jianjunlang said, "Jiang Qing Ji as snow can be regarded as the second, first and last batch."
There’s another one!
The sword kings suddenly got a big boost, especially the flame king and the tiger all fought for one. It’s their turn this time. I can’t help but look at the flaming sword king with my eyes shining.
Fire Hua Jian Jun coughed and cleared his throat. This just said in one go, "Her family hill is full of enemies and bones, and her heart is broken. The soul of the lamp is naturally ranked first …"
What he said was very simple. The sword king didn’t listen to it at the scene
There is not much pressure to accept a younger brother. King Tiger doesn’t even want to "make it clear!"
Fang Wei Sword King laughed. "Tiger King, didn’t you laugh at me and say that my Bianhuang made a crooked melon and cracked jujube? What else do you need me to explain? "
King Tiger was thick-skinned and didn’t blush at all. "How can you laugh at me like brothers?"? Didn’t you see that I have a Bianhuang relative? Tell you what, if it weren’t for brothers’ deep feelings, I wouldn’t give you BianHuang training talents. Don’t travel. What kind of flesh and bones do you have? Explain a broken lamp … "
Three sword ancestors moved slightly in their hearts.
Feng Yu Jianzu looked over and said, "Fang Yi, just say it in detail."
Fang Wei, the sword king, leaned down and said that a piece of hot red gold paper appeared as soon as he reached out. Lang read, "The double swords of Ji Jia Ji Xiaoshan are flesh enemies and bones; Jian Xin tong understands the sword-missing move in the second sword room; Sword bravery broke the third sword room, and the fighting spirit rushed to the sky and the lanterns were burst; Born in Gu Jian, the soul turns into a beautiful girl and sleeps like a star … "
King Tiger’s eyes widened and he shouted, "How is it possible to have such a mess?"
Fang Wei Jian Wang shrugged and didn’t speak.
The sword kings looked at each other, and the flame king was awkward. This brother was a little too fierce. It felt as if he was a little unqualified for the flame king. I couldn’t help but take up another word in my heart. Shit!
The day hung high, the phoenix feather sword ancestor took a move, and the sword king burned red gold paper and flew away.
My eyes swept away and found that the record was slightly different from what Fang Wei, the sword king, had read.
There is such a sentence in the memory that the sword potential of the third sword room is defeated and needs to be supplemented.
Actually defeated, it is estimated that Fang Wei, the sword king, has omitted this sentence considering the face of the sword ancestor.
Eyes a chicken feather Jian Zulang said, "this brother qualification can also I haven’t moved my bones and muscles for many years. Suddenly, I feel a little quiet and reluctant to accept him …"
"Third brother, wait a minute." Burn Feather Jianzu didn’t want to interrupt him. "You won’t be reluctant. I’ll take this brother."
Phoenix Feather Jianzu "Second brother, how dare you rob you with me or feel at ease? Du Jie, when I teach my brother, I teach him a lot more than you …"
Burn feather Jianzu glaring "I’m about to cross the third robbery. I haven’t got a brother yet. I can’t take it."
Phoenix Feather Sword Ancestor showed no weakness and stared "belongs to me …"
The sword kings looked at each other, and the two bosses actually quarreled.
The flame king was completely depressed and said that he had nothing to do with himself.
Chapter DiYiSiSanSan Master Ling Tian (guaranteed)
The monk who is not in the position doesn’t know the specific process of the sword meeting, and he can get a piece of gossip through hearsay.
Rumor has it that the sword meeting was quite lively that day.
The top ten sword kings had a red-faced fight for their younger brothers. The king of fire and the king of tiger got angry and fought on the spot.
In the end, guessing the fist will decide whether to win or lose the sword. That’s how King Tiger laughed at the top of the mountain.
The grapevine also said that the two swordsmen who were fighting for their younger brothers actually fought on the spot, and no one was allowed to guess boxing. However, I heard that Lai Huangyu’s swordsmen were caught out of their fists and wanted to bully the hard bow.
When it’s not over
Big Jianzu said that this brother’s old man’s house accepted it.
However, it is said that the flaming feather sword ancestor pointed at the big sword ancestor’s nose on the spot and called him a treacherous villain, saying that he would have won if the big sword ancestor hadn’t guessed.
Of course, in the end, my arm twisted but my thigh brother was recruited by the great sword ancestor.
Gossip is flying all over the sky, but the wicked big sword ancestor finally said a sentence, "This sword meeting is my sword sect event. Friars are not allowed to disclose the sword meeting at will, and they should also be treated as low-key. Anyone who dares to disclose specific information to the outside world should be treated as a traitor."
So which brothers were recruited into the Sword Sect in the end and how were they distributed? These important core information were kept secret.
What you can find out is the gossip. For example, some people suspect that the big sword ancestor will block the news because the big sword ancestor secretly ruined the good thing of the second sword ancestor, and then intercepted the younger brother and blocked the long mouth, and finally made it impossible to leak the news.
Exactly what the situation is, no one can tell.
It’s been a lively discussion for a few days. Ling Tianjian Sword Sect is quiet again. Everyone has something to do and nothing to practice. The Sword Sect is huge and dozens of brothers are really like throwing a few stones in the sea and can’t lift the wind and waves.
Soon everyone has completely forgotten about it.
Of course, more than forty younger brothers of Bianhuang were assigned to the peaks of Ling Tianjian Sect in this way.
When everyone left the team, Huohua Jianjun kindly woke up to "You should say goodbye to each other. Maybe a farewell at this time is a farewell."
Sun Hao’s heart is not slightly one leng.
Huohua Jianjun said, "There are 3,000 Jianfeng in the Jianpai Jianfeng Forest. It is difficult to repair the possible peaks. Maybe you will die of old age …"
Bianhuang brothers qi qi a surprised.
Ji Yong knelt down in front of Ji Ruxue and said, "Miss Ji Yong can also be trusted to let them be kind to her family when she is successful in the future."
Ji Ruxue lifted her up with both hands and comforted her softly. "Uncle Zhu can rest assured that Xiaoxue will go to see you."
Xiaoqing see Ji Ruxue and Sun Hao nutty nutty muttered, "Xiaoqing has never lived alone, but it’s so good without the backbone …"
Huohua said very rarely, "Miss Xiaoqing, rest assured that you are still with your young lady."
Xiaoqing immediately beamed Ji Ruxue face also revealed filar silk smile.
Ji Yukou punched Sun Hao. "Come on, we’ll meet again."
Ji Tiliu coldly said to Sun Hao, "Ji Xiaoshan, let’s compare and see who will make faster progress. I won’t lose to you."
Sun Hao smiled and didn’t speak. I don’t know if there is a faint sadness in my heart.
And Sun Hao didn’t find that he turned his head and went to Ji Tiliu’s eyes, and the sadness and sadness also flashed.
After a simple farewell, the first batch of achievements will be led by the deacons of the Sword Sect, who will become the outer brothers of the Sword Sect, but they will also break up the distribution.
Ji Ti-liu and Ji Ke-kou were taken in and led out together with the registered brothers trained by most sword schools.
Just before going out, Ji Tiliu suddenly looked at Sun Hao and called "Ji Xiaoshan"
Sun Hao replied with a slight pause, "What is it?"
Ji Tiliu opened her mouth and her face was slightly red. She said, "Thank you for me, lone wolf."
Sun Hao smiled and said, "I know."

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