After listening, the other party nodded again and again. "Okay, I know, yeah, I’ll do it."


"Don’t worry, slowly contact" male charged 1.
"I am white"
"Well," the man hung up his cell phone and lay in bed yawned. "It was quite fast."
Chapter DiSiErSan Fold a woman’s body
Superintendent of Rongxing District
A 20-year-old young man looked at Wu Tianyin shivering with cold and asked, "You’re here for the record, right?"
"Yes, yes," Wu Tianyin said with a bow. "I’m a special population coming here to prepare a case."
"What’s wrong?" Young police officers stretching his legs asked.
"Organizing riots" Wu Tianyin calmly responded.
"Lying in the trough" The young man looked at Wu Tianyin carefully when he heard that his face changed. "You are capable of organizing a riot?"
"At that time, I was young and not sensible," Wu Tianyin replied with a humble smile. "This is not a long memory."
"How many years?"
"Twelve years"
"Ok, you fill out a form." The young police officer took out the special form for special population registration from the drawer and threw it to the other party conveniently.
Wu Tianyin took it and filled it out skillfully.
About five minutes later, Wu Tianyin returned the pen to the other party and immediately smiled and said, "Is it okay for you to take a look at it?"
The young police officer glanced at the form and looked at Wu Tianyin suspiciously and said, "You squat down against the wall."
Wu Tianyin was stuck.
"Hey!" Young police officers frown reprimand angrily to 1.
Wu Tianyin clenched his fist and stepped to the wall and bent down to squat down.
"Put the registration form in your hand." The young police officer took out his camera from the drawer and said with an expression, "Keep your eyes on the camera."
Wu Tianyin hears and does it.
The young man took a photo and bowed his head and said again, "Put the watch on the ground and point to the signature position."
Wu Tianyin hesitated for a moment, crouched down with dignity, and pointed to the table like a permanent judgment, with a stiff smile on his face.
The young man took another picture, glanced down at the camera screen and said, "All right, you can go."
After Wu Tianyin got up, he asked politely, "Sir, you won’t go to the hotel again after I finish preparing the case, will you?"
It was Wu Tianyin who took the initiative to come here for the record because he made his real identity check in because of a fake residence permit. There was no way to uniformly scan the hotel here, but his real identity was hung with a special population and was asked by the police to check in a hotel in the ninth district. The superintendent in that jurisdiction would certainly receive an alarm and wake up to conduct a basic investigation and question on him in the past.
When Wu Tianyin applied for a job, he was under a false identity, and the company didn’t know that he had this criminal record. He couldn’t let police officers check him in the hotel, or his colleagues would find out, which would be in trouble.
The young police officer listened to Wu Tianyin’s question and replied, "God, I will say hello to the person on duty and tell them not to check you. You have already prepared the case."
"Please be sure to inform the chief of the shift change, because I am here on a business trip with my leaders and colleagues to let them know that it is not very good." Wu Tianyin pleaded with a smile.
"Your company’s heart is really big, and everyone dares." The policeman replied with a squint.
Wu Tianyin leng scratched his head and replied with a smile, "I made a mistake, but I have to give me a chance to correct it. Hehe."
"All right, you go." The policeman waved.
"Thank you, thank you" Wu Tianyin will leave after nodding.
After a few seconds of silence, the police officer suddenly turned around and shouted, "Hey, wait a minute."
Wu Tianyin smelled the place.
"You didn’t bring anything illegal, did you?" The policeman looked at him suspiciously and stood up and said, "Come, come, turn over your trouser pockets and hit your clothes."
"I’m not illegal," Wu Tianyin emphasized.
"I asked you to turn over so much nonsense?" The policeman frowned and scolded 1.
After a few seconds of silence, Wu Tianyin can open the trouser pocket including the pocket according to the requirements of the other party.
The police officer picked up the baton and Wu Tianyin walked back and forth for a long time. After carefully checking it again, he waved and said, "OK, you go."
Wu Tianyin looked at each other and still begged patiently, "Sir, please be sure to say hello to your shift-changing colleagues."
"Oh, I know." The policeman waved his hand impatiently.
Wu Tianyin nodded and turned away.
A few minutes later, Wu Tianyin ran the street again and rushed back to the hotel.

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