Xuanyuan hierarch fondle must nod and carry six instrument plates around Marshal House for a week. Everyone’s eyes stepped into the black fog from the right stable.


Just entering the black fog, the leader of Xuanyuan was shocked.
At the moment he saw a vision.
The pavilions and gardens of the Marshal’s Mansion have all disappeared, and there are many stars around them, which seem to stand in vain, dazzling but dazzling.
"This array is by no means a person can have …"
Xuanyuan hierarch is also a master of law, who immediately detected something strange.
Those stars seem to be dense, messy and constantly moving, but they vaguely form a small array of two instruments, three wonders, four phases and five elements, which changes every moment.
This kind of hierarchical array is unheard of!
Good three-odd, six-instrument panel can still operate normally. Xuanyuan leader dare not neglect to look at the constantly changing orientation of the door and look for the opportunity to move forward.
The illusion of the surrounding stars changes with each step.
The leader of Xuanyuan knew that he would fall into the array if he made a wrong move. Although he was curious about what he would see, his eyes were on business. He carried on with the three wonders and six instruments.
Sure enough, many servants were found along the way
These servants are not dead, but they kneel down and open their mouths one by one, looking at the stars with blurred eyes. How can they wake up?
Xuanyuan hierarch frowned and moved on.
Sure enough, it wasn’t long before I found the figure of Dugu Nuo.
Unlike those servants, Dugu Nuo is in a bad situation.
The royal fairy is sitting cross-legged with a white flame burning all over at the moment.
The flame is very harsh, like the sun is hot and burning!
Xuanyuan hierarch was a flicker and came to Dugu Nuo. He took out a simple bell from his arms and shook it while casting a meditation spell.
With his help, Dugu Nuo finally stabilized his mind, and the flame gradually disappeared. He slowly looked up and said, "Thank you for your help."
XuanYuan hierarch sink a way: "What happened to the lonely Taoist friend? Where is Marshal Wang? "
Dugu Nuo gave a wry smile and shook his head, saying, "When you enter the mansion, you will know that you have entered the magic array, so you can remember the location of the small building and found the practice place of Marshal Wang regardless of closing your eyes."
"People didn’t find it, but they saw something, and their minds were taken away from it."
The leader of Xuanyuan asked curiously, "What did Daoyou see?"
Dugu Nuo looked ahead and his eyes were full of fear.
"I can’t say for sure, but it may be said that Sun Dao Jun …"
"Sun tao jun? !”
Xuanyuan hierarch was startled.
Wang Xuan’s exploration of the cave also told them some mysteries of heaven and earth
The most powerful force in these three realms and nine days is the nine heavenly realms, and some celestial realms have to draw on the great power of the three realms to practice in the virtual, sit on the past and look to the present.
However, there are still some terrorists who dare to provoke.
For example, Taiwaijun, Taiyangdao Jun and Jiuyuan Star God …
These are the gods who came before the beginning of heaven and earth. They are the embodiment of the laws of heaven and earth. There is no emotion to maintain the normal operation of the three realms.
Sun Daojun is one of them, one by one, driving a chariot in the virtual world, and the world is shining, so it’s just a "Tao" body
No wonder Dugu Nuo is possessed.
Most of the visions here are incomplete and contain a little rule.
Mortals can’t help themselves because they don’t understand. The higher they are, the more unlucky they are.
Thought of here XuanYuan hierarch also dare not forward wry smile way "Wang Yuanshuai even have a lot of adventure, we’d better not disturb, if nothing happens in a few days, we can ask the old dragon king of Wanlong Cave to come to help …"
Say two people carefully exit Marshal House again.
As far as they are concerned, Wang Xuanzheng, a small building not far away, sits cross-legged and suspended in the middle, surrounded by huge stars.
This is Wang Xuan’s performance of "Mixed Star Classic" after combining many mysterious techniques.
Now, he has refined the tree of stars and gods into the life formula of Daobao’s Mixed Star Classic.
Different from the five-color robbery, the "Mixed Star Classic", which is excellent in attack and defense, turns the original demon into a wheel of stars and surrounds nine stars, each of which has amazing power
When he was overseas, he once turned a fairy island into fly ash with one blow.
Wang Xuan of Wanshan Mountain in Jiuyou dared to fight against the true fairy. First, he relied on the "god-destroying gun" to cooperate with the five-color robbery. Second, this is the "Mixed Star Classic", but the other party didn’t show his card until he left.
It has almost come to an end that "Mixed Yuan Xing Jing" combines many mysterious feats. If the three souls and seven spirits are fully repaired, they can become immortals and their fighting power is far beyond that of ordinary true immortals.
Wang Xuan has now completed seven’ o repairs and completed a soul evil wheel, so he was promoted to the fairy.

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