Song Jun’s excellent military system helped Feng Shixing.


Feng Shihang mastered the army with Shao Hongyuan’s support, and big sleep wanted to escort Qi Fang back to the capital to criticize him.
However, it was a little unexpected for these two people. Although Qi Fang was arrested, his face and expression were very calm and with a little sarcasm.
"Two really this is the last? Hehehe, don’t worry. Maybe we’ll meet again. It’s not easy to have a thief army in this mountain. Be careful. "
Feng Shixing and Shao Hongyuan felt a little bad because of Qi’s inexplicable attitude, but they didn’t recognize what they could do if they had been relieved of their soldiers.
Then Feng Shixing supported Shao Hongyuan to control the troops and lead the crusade against the army, and then prepared to launch the third encirclement and suppression of Luoxiao Mountain.
The news of the mutiny in the Song army soon reached the Song Jun military camp, and several farmers’ troops were good handymen. They lurked in the Song army and heard the news, and then quickly returned to Luo Xiao Mountain.
So Yu-cheng Zhao and others also know the news that Qi Fang was taken and Shao Hongyuan was there.
This is not good news.
Zhao Yucheng immediately reported the news to the leaders of each brigade and squadron to make them ready. Song Jun’s third encirclement and suppression may be coming.
The people sent to Song barracks soon sent back news that Song Jun began to rectify the army, which was a precursor to a large-scale attack on Luoxiao Mountain.
Workers sent to the people to do villages also sent news that Song Jun began to gather troops and station in the villages. When the uncle Song Bing swore and returned to the barracks.
Zhao Yucheng was even more nervous. He realized that this might be an unprecedented super-large-scale war, and many people might die, and many soldiers would die.
But there’s nothing he can do. He must insist.
He waited nervously.
However, things didn’t develop as he expected, because it was very abrupt, and the funeral was held in the Song Jun military camp, and the white banners stood on end.
Zhao Yucheng or Shao Hongyuan is dead, but it is not Shao Hongyuan who is in good health. It is Feng Shixing who died.
Feng Shixing’s health is not good, and he is always in a state of tension.
Finally, when Qi Fang was taken to appease the army, his mood was relaxed, and his illness would be a little repeated. Plus, at this time, he accidentally got caught in the rain and didn’t change clothes when a gust of wind blew, and he fell ill completely.
Shao Hongyuan was in a hurry to try to find a doctor. He diagnosed and treated the doctor, who came to prescribe one medicine after another, and cooked bowl after bowl, but his condition did not improve.
Feng Shixing is getting weaker every day.
Shao Hongyuan, while reorganizing the army and preparing to encircle the peasant army, asked Feng Shixing to seek medical treatment and medicine, but in the end he failed to save Feng Shixing’s life.
On May 23rd, the high fever persisted, and Feng Shixing was critically ill.
On May 24th, Feng Shixing died of illness in Jizhou military camp.
Shao Hongyuan this completely blindsided.
Zhang Jun sent him to help support the people who died of illness. In the sick camp, this …
What is this?
Shao Hongyuan secretly called unlucky to send someone back to Lin’ an to report the news and ask how to deal with it while Feng Shixing was doing the funeral.
Things can be delayed a little when we go to war to encircle the peasant army.
Feng Shixing, the main staff of Qifang, came forward to appease his status as a court supervisor. On behalf of the central court soldiers, he trusted him more than Shao Hongyuan. With him, Qifang staff did not have unrest but continued to wait and see.
Now that Feng Shixing is dead, I’m afraid someone in the army will have strange ideas again.
We can’t go to war now. It’s difficult to get good results in this unstable situation.
Let’s send someone to explore the mountains first. The specific situation is to despise the Privy Council and let the Privy Council send another reliable supervisor to stabilize the morale of the army.
Shao Hongyuan pressed the pause button here, but Zhao Yucheng didn’t
Realizing that the leadership of Song Jun has just died and the morale of the army is unstable, Zhao Yucheng feels that this is a great opportunity and can’t just wait for Shao Hongyuan to play in wait for a while.
The peasant army is weak, but not so weak.
Maybe it’s a good idea to take the initiative
Since Shanlai has been passive defense, he has never taken the initiative to attack. These Song soldiers may have no awareness of prevention at all.
However, so many Song soldiers are several times more than them. If we attack rashly, it is estimated that we can’t even keep this money.
Night attack?
Shao Hongyuan, a veteran like this, will never be unprepared for the night attack.
Simply playing the military can’t beat Song Jun, so what can we do to survive?
Zhao Yucheng thought hard about tossing and turning and finally came up with a coup for him.
Chapter 79 Rumor attacks
Zhao Yucheng still remembers that the quartermaster gave information to the peasant army.
They said that Shao Hongyuan and Qi Fang were at odds with each other. Shao Hongyuan wanted to fight, but Qi Fang didn’t want to fight, which caused Shao Hongyuan to invade alone and lose many times.
Qi Fang doesn’t intend to get along with Shao Hongyuan at all. There are many disagreements between them.
According to the report of the undercover agent who entered Song Jun, Feng Shixing and Shao Hongyuan jointly attacked Qi Fang after the arrival of the prison army, and quickly seized the handle of Qi Fang and quickly sent Qi Fang to Lin’ an for conviction, resulting in an established fact.
Then Qi Fang’s die-hard cronies were also quickly disarmed by Shao Hongyuan.
There are tens of thousands of troops left, but they are very confused, but they are very dissatisfied with playing the bad face Shao Hongyuan. There are faint signs of doing something about Shao Hongyuan.
At this time, Feng Shixing came out to appease the people, declared Qi’s guilt and made a public commitment to decide not to blame Qi and his main cronies for the whole army.
So Qifang’s staff didn’t mess up, but chose to accept Feng Shihang’s instructions
It seems to them that Feng Shixing represents whether the Privy Council of the Central Committee is a civil servant or a scholar among scholars-it is only natural for the top scholar to suppress and control these soldiers.
The amblyopia of the soldiers’ attribute to the central scholars was painstakingly created by the imperial court of the Song Dynasty for hundreds of years, not to mention that Feng Shixing was a scholar. Most of the soldiers came from the people and worshipped them for the people. Of course, there will be similar worship plots.
After entering the army, this kind of plot will also be brought into the army.
In the eye, this group of soldiers are afraid of Feng Shixing, a scholar born in the Privy Council, and dare not fight.
They listened to what Feng Shixing said, and they believed what Feng Shixing said, so the army got initial stability, and Shao Hongyuan relied on Feng Shixing’s support to control the army.
Without Feng Shixing’s appearance and attitude, it is too difficult for Shao Hongyuan to do this alone, and it is also easy to cause military chaos
Not to mention that he has lost twice in the face of the peasant army, so far he has no prestige at all
Feng Shihang and Shao Hongyuan came to plan to slowly organize the army to break up and regroup Qifang’s old staff, so that they can directly command and reduce possible troubles in the future. Naifeng Shihang suddenly died of illness and reorganized the army, and the embarrassing situation was born

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