But today’s game is obviously not bad for Lazio.


Facing them, bombarding Inter Milan for a full 45 minutes at half-time, but not losing an inch of land, this will definitely bring confidence to Inter Milan fans.
The former Lazio attacked so fiercely that they failed to break their goal, and this time will be no exception.
Despite the loud cheers of Lazio fans in the Rome Olympic Stadium, Inter Milan fans are not worried at all that they are sitting in their seats waiting for Lazio’s attack to end again.
Even Mourinho didn’t think Lazio’s attack was a big deal.
Although it was a counterattack, most Inter Milan players were in their defensive positions. What’s the point of such a counterattack?
He didn’t even get up from his seat
Is ever-victorious from squatting up some nervously watching the stadium.
He is keenly aware of the opportunity.
He hope that his players can also perceive this opportunity.
That’s because Lazio fought back and they had a sprint, which was not much, but it was enough for Lazio to benefit.
If you want to run, you can create a goal opportunity that belongs to Lazio!
Other teams may run more and more disorderly, but Lazio won’t!
Changsheng has such confidence.
Modric received the ball from the backcourt. He turned around and let the football go to the front. At the same time, he completed his turn and adjustment.
Just after he turned around, he saw the Inter Milan players in front of him. It was obvious that Inter Milan was divided into two lines in front of him, an avant-garde line and a defender line.
But these two lines are not very closely connected, they have gaps.
Maybe this is Lazio’s chance?
Modric thought in his mind.
But how can we benefit from this opportunity?
He saw cavani pulling from the peak position to the rib.
He passed the football.
But does cavani think so? He doesn’t know if he can gamble on his own.
Just pull cavani back to catch the ball and get as close as possible to his teammates.
But in this way, he has turned his back to the attack direction and can’t turn around, because behind him is Inter Milan captain Sati who is keeping a close eye on him.
Sadie is experienced and sophisticated, and it’s not easy to cheat.
I want to get the ball on my back and get rid of Sadie alone. It’s too difficult.
Cavani chose the ball.
But he didn’t give the football to modric.
Modric was followed by Cambiaso.
When Cambiaso saw modric’s forward insertion after finishing the ball, he knew that he had to play two-one with cavani. Naturally, he could not catch the ball easily, so he had to follow him.
So he followed.
But cavani didn’t give the football back to modric, but to cazorla next door.
After the ball, cavani turned and ran forward, and Sadie went to cazorla.
Cavani gave it to the central defender behind him.
Cazorla didn’t stop the ball before Sadie forced him to go out again.
This time, a 15-meter oblique football was stolen from the middle.
After cavani pulled at the ribs, Gotze made up the middle road.
At the same time, balzaretti cut into the rib from the side.
Lazio’s overall movement is both offensive and defensive, and it is necessary to ensure that each player can’t be more than 15 meters away.
You can’t see the frontcourt players running forward and the backcourt players standing still.
Every player can have at least three tees on the court.
All Lazio players are not afraid of encirclement.
After cazorla finished the ball, he moved sideways to get close to Gotze.
It seems that he wants to establish more contacts with Gotze.
Cambiaso followed modric for a while and didn’t continue to follow.
Because he was afraid of being taken out of his sector by modric.
Now that cazorla is leaning in the middle, he has confirmed that the real purpose of modric’s forward insertion is to take him away from the back position and give cazorla a chance.
So he stopped tracking modric and turned to pounce on cazorla.
When cazorla came running, Gotze simply gave him the football and then turned around and inserted it himself.
Cazorla did not give him the football, but gave it to balzaretti in the rib.

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