Burnham did not retreat this time.


He chose to face it.
"Teng-"The same fierce black inflammation surged from his palm and he raised his hand and clenched his fist.
Black inflammation collision
He firmly took Chen Senran’s fierce sword wrapped in poverty and black inflammation.
"Good sword" burnham nodded and said in a tone of pointing to the younger generation, "You have made great progress. You are much stronger than last time, which is worth punching."
"Bang-"Chen Senran didn’t speak. He was out of the sword again.
He was not angered by burnham’s words.
His sword frequency is still fast and regular.
Every sword seems to be cut to some wonderful angle, wonderful time.
Unfortunately, they were all blocked by burnham.
Make a fist.
"Hey-"The 36th Sword
Burnham shook Chen Senran’s attack with one punch, put away his hand again and shook his head. "Young people still almost took out your strength that night."
"That night?" Chen Senran suddenly became sensitive, and his mind flashed several fragmented pictures. He wanted to capture them, but he couldn’t see them clearly.
"What night is it?" He growled and stepped forward again to draw a sword. His voice was faintly anxious.
Because he vaguely felt that he had discovered something secret.
What … What is it?
"Boom-"The fire went straight to burnham alongside of.seem.
"This is finally a bit decent." But he was very happy to raise his hands towards the black dragon.
The rain is still falling.
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Page one hundred and seventy-nine Critical
The two axes banged together.
Dreius and Dreven have fought from the initial battlefield to the most marginal battlefield.
The rain slid from the axe along the sharp edge of the axe.
The axe spun at a high speed and cut off the rain curtain and flew back to Levin’s hand.
The situation is suspended
Draw a game.
Dreius put away his scarlet axe and looked across at him. "Do you want to fight again?"
"What is not?" Draven gripped the double-edged axe in his hand and made it stand still for a moment.
"It doesn’t matter how many times Draven hits you. You are no match for me." Draeus shook his head and leaned his axe in front of him. "You go."
"What? Why do you always talk to me in such a tone? What do you think I’m not your opponent? Why don’t you give me all your strength to beat you …" Levin bit his teeth, and the flying axe in his hand roared again in an instant.
"Brush-"The flying axe roared.
"Psst-"The flying axe tore the rain curtain.
"Boom-"The roar of the flying axe is like venting some anger that has been lurking in Dreven’s heart.
"Let me! ! !”
"Bang-"fly axe attack.
Arrived at the moment when it was beyond the rain curtain—
In front of Dreius
"David Tang-"Dreius firmly caught the axe.
But Levin didn’t stop at all. He kept throwing axes like a runaway machine.
Constantly let those axes run away and bombard in the rain like perpetual motion machines! ! !
When the flying axe constantly surpassed, it hit and hit in Draven and Draeus.
Crash! ! !
"David Tang-"Dreius finally took a step back.
He didn’t speak. It was a sad look at Levin.
He seems to want to talk, but every time he is interrupted by Levin.
Draven walked in the rain. He was approaching Draeus. He growled in the rain with the axes growling.
"Play a game with me honestly. I … my brother."
Another axe is like a strong wind
"David Tang-"Dreius could not help but pinch the axe tighter in his hand.
"Kill me! ! !” Draven’s voice was hoarse, and his hands were suddenly raised.
The axe in his hand, with a more wild speed and posture, reversed its angle and blew past Dreius like a hurricane.
Axe out

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