However, all its emergency escape magic is the same, and its self-attack is equally amazing. Even if Kel’ Thuzad’s sunrise lich strength returns, it will not be weakened.


Tyrande over there glanced into the distance. Ronin had covered several people with purple arcane shields. She knew it was urgent.
Suddenly, she wrapped herself in a milky glow, and grabbed sylvanas windrunner at a high speed like an arrow, and crashed into the glow generated when Kel’ Thuzad sent it.
"You …" Kel ‘Thuzad suddenly felt a strong fear for these two hitchhikers. He didn’t know if his magic was enough to break away from the wide trap of Kilgardan with three.
But in a flash, he immediately found that Tyrande was only entangled in the power of the goddess of the moon, but did not interfere with his magic
"Ha ha ha! You will regret it! " Kel ‘Thuzad’s laughter echoed in vain.
Finally, sylvanas windrunner vomited blood and passed out directly …
Back to the present!
Duke turned blue when he heard the Boval report, and his hands trembled with it.
Something terrible has happened!
"Ronin, Turayan, Alfred Abidis and Saidan Dasohan disappeared during the transfer."
"Tyrande Whispering and sylvanas windrunner Windrunner were captured by Kel ‘Thuzad, and now Ai Luen, the goddess of the moon, sent a rescue request to the alliance. She was trying to keep them from being killed, but the time was limited."
"alexandros Mograine is recovering from a serious injury in Lordaeron."
It is no exaggeration to say that the anti-killing action of the strong, which has formed a large number of alliances, can be said to be a complete failure.
Just this report made the joy of just killing nefarian washed into the abyss.
Duke jiujiuyu
Kalia, who is weak around her, is crying. Ilyushia holds her tightly and I don’t know what to comfort.
Wenleisha Muli was at a loss on the spot.
Every hero who returns from the Black Wings Nest has a white face.
Kil’ jaeden killed Azeroth. Duke always knew.
But I didn’t expect the fraudster’s pavilion to be so cruel this time that the two families could eat it all!
Should I say that he deserves the name of fraud?
There must be a leak somewhere.
Duke knew early on that Renault was easy to get into trouble. Since there was the tragedy of Arthas killing his father in this life, Duke didn’t dare to pretend to be the virgin. He believed that Renault would be devoted to kindness. He woke up in alexandros and secretly told Abidis that he had arranged a possible counter-encirclement campaign in advance.
I didn’t expect it to be, and I almost burned Kel’ Thuzad’s face.
The only thing I didn’t expect was the mantis catching cicadas and yellowbirds.
Sure enough, neither cunning Kilgardan nor sinister ancient gods are oil lamps!
Magny patted Duke on the shoulder. "Duke! I can’t tell you how you feel when your lover is taken away, but I must wake you up. Now you are the commander in chief of the alliance. You must make a decision as soon as possible and tell every soldier in the alliance what to do. Varian, they have been held back by the belief in the green skin of Haka. If there is another expedition, it is estimated that we can rely on these people. "
Duke looked around. Although every hero’s eyes were still full of energy, Duke knew that their mental and physical strength had reached the limit.
Magny, Grom and Kane are all injured.
Just now, the trap of Kilgardan caused the league to temporarily lose seven main heroes.
Aurelia and Varian were all held back by trolls.
There’s no hope for the Gaxilisus riot tribe.
Alliance, tribe and root law hope to organize a decent hero group again in a short time.
However, no heroes randomly enter Naxxramas or Allah, which is to deliver food.
Everyone stared at him, hoping that he would come up with a solution. They didn’t want to put too much pressure on Duke, and they didn’t have a choice. Because the swindler Kilgardan plotted to lurk around the world, evil forces had attacked them.
If you don’t do something, Azeroth will be finished before the main force of the Burning Legion arrives.
Duke really felt the weight of his shoulders at this moment.
Take a deep breath and then expel the turbid air from the lungs from the nasal cavity.
Duke gently raised his head and his voice echoed throughout the Stormwind Kingdom Chamber. "I have to admit that our enemy is very strong! They are strong, terrible, insidious, far-sighted and numerous, but this is not the reason for us to bend and retreat. Since Kilgardan has something to entangle so many evil forces, shouldn’t we destroy them all at once? "
One breath?
Department of elimination?
Guys, almost Duke is talking in his sleep.
Duke smiled and turned to Magny. "I declare that area 51 will be unsealed immediately. It seems that we are going to move that thing inside!" "
"That thing! ?” Magny’s eyes suddenly lit up.
Chapter 1221 skyshatter plan
Because of Du Mou’s bad taste in Area 51
This is a top secret area where craftsmen, scientists and secret troops will go in. There are three or five people in each kingdom who know about Area 51.
But if you associate Duke, Dwarves and Dwarves, you probably know what is going on.
"I plan to need support from many parties. Now I urgently call Senator Dalaran kirin tor and Grbin. Well, I went to Ai Luen before."
Duke burned his ass and ran to the church in Storm City, Ai Luen, where he contacted and strengthened the alliance. The kingdom of Storm allowed the kingdom of Ai Luen to teach, so a small moon goddess temple was built in the corner of the church area
The priestess Duke guided all the way to the main hall without a roof. Even during the day, Duke easily sensed the will of the goddess.
"Duke Marcus, you’re here" On how many times the goddess’ eyes always give Duke a feeling of peace of mind
"It’s a goddess. I’m eager to know about my lover."
"They are very good. My strength has sheltered them for the time being, but you know very well that my shelter has never been perfect after the ancient war …"
Duke is a little silent.

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