"Finally, I have sent them all away. Forget it. Take the overtime passage to the deputy to raise the special buildings to the fifth order and then go to the new wave."


Qin Mu Ye knew that the magic continent could not be active after it was scrapped, and its value was greatly reduced
The development of lords is inseparable from activities. Without the basic method of activities, the rapid development of Qin and Mu Ye can be achieved not only by themselves, but also by the activities of the Lord’s Era.
Chapter 231 This time, the identity is to destroy the engine.
[You made the random sub-volume sub-world 5217 Wanying World]
[The leading role (99.99%) supporting role (1%) and walk-on (%) are in proportion to your random identity]
[You got the leading role]
[Main Line Release]
【 Stop the Great Impact of Heaven and Earth and Reward the Lord’s Skill Life Enhancement 】
【 Life enhancement will increase the life limit of all arms and heroes (equal order × 1%) 】
[The evaluation will be conducted according to the way you meet your identity, and the evaluation will affect the final reward]
[You gain temporary skills, archaeologist and mystic]
[It’s a common practice for archaeologists and mystics to destroy the engine. Generally speaking, either everything around you is unlucky or you follow the unlucky people to send the nickname "Destroy the engine".
Qin Mu Ye looked at this temporary skill and identity, which seemed normal, but what would be destroyed?
I have some memories of my identity in my mind. This is a modern world. His name is Li Yan, and he is currently a history professor at Qingxia College. He lives a life of three points and one line every day. He either goes to class or watches it in the office, or eats in the canteen and then watches it in the staff dormitory.
Entertainment is rather monotonous, while social activities are relatively poor. People with few friends are relatively withdrawn, and it is easy to live alone with orphans.
Girlfriend and wife are gone. It looks like a loner.
Classes are also interesting, but the knowledge points are relatively practical and the students’ grades are quite satisfactory.
"I understand everything, but you didn’t give me the corresponding knowledge of history?" Qin Mu Ye some nai "Lord era" to memory is a brief introduction and not too detailed.
"First of all, there is a history professor, and then there is an archaeologist and a mystic. How can I stop the impact of heaven and earth on these three identities?"
"Is my ancestor a Titan and then he can transform, or am I really an exotic Lord with millions of elite soldiers?"
"It’s no problem to fool an aborigine, but it’s terrible to fool The Age of the Lord."
Qin Mu Ye knows that he was judged by "The Age of Lords" instead of this deputy. The aborigines lied to themselves and cheated aborigines, so forget it. If he can accept it, but expects to fool "The Age of Lords", wait and get an F-level evaluation.
"Without energy, the environment won’t be a magical world, right? This is a bit embarrassing." Qin Mu Ye looked at the name of the sub-world called Wanying World. The meaning may have something to do with the shadow, but he didn’t know what it was.
In addition, there is a big impact between heaven and earth. Literally, it may be a meteorite paste face. I hope this meteorite can be normal and not directly smash the whole world like the one he met.
"If you want to speak highly, you can explore a world situation first. By the way, check my identity hidden setting again. Maybe you can successfully complete it." Qin Mu Ye didn’t shake people immediately, but got up and explored the situation first.
Then I picked up the history textbook and took a casual look at it, then I left with the textbook.
He doesn’t worry that he can’t get in touch with the world and may have extraordinary power. After all, it’s common for his temporary skills to disappear. What’s impossible?
The world should have extraordinary power, but the way may be a little special

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摘要:上海,这座繁华的都市,不仅拥有繁华的夜生活,更有着各式各样的休闲娱乐场所。桑拿中心作为其中一员,不仅提供放松身心的服务,更是夜宵美食的聚集地。本文将为您推荐几家上海桑拿中心,让您在享受桑拿的同时,也能品尝到美味佳肴。 正文: 一、纽斯桑拿会所 纽斯桑拿会所是上海知名的韩国特色休闲会所,成立于2007年。其独特的韩式桑拿火浴、温泉洗浴、健身会所、按摩美容等服务,为顾客提供一站式休闲体验。在纽斯,您不仅可以享受到舒适的桑拿服务,还能品尝到美味的夜宵。 推荐美食:烤肉、石锅拌饭、泡菜汤等韩式美食,以及中式烧烤、川菜等。 人均消费:180元左右。 地址:上海市浦东新区东绣路288号 二、汤连得温泉馆 汤连得温泉馆由上海汤连得实业发展有限公司全资打造,拥有丰富的温泉资源和舒适的休闲环境。在这里,您可以享受到泡温泉、桑拿、按摩等多种服务,同时还有各式夜宵供您选择。 推荐美食:日本料理、海鲜、烤肉等。…